GST/HST Filing Services

Filing for GST

Goods and Services Tax

Goods and Service Tax (GST) and Harmonized Sales Tax (HST) is often confusing for small business owners. It is important to understand when your business must charge GST/HST, in addition to all regulatory filings, reporting, and remitting requirements. Failing to meet tax deadlines may result in late penalties.

GST/HST Filing & Registration

All businesses with revenues over $30,000 in in any single calendar quarter and in the last four consecutive calendar quarters must register for GST/HST and file a GST/HST Filing return even if there is no tax to remit.

If you don’t file your GST/HST return by the return’s due date (monthly, quarterly, or annually), the CRA will begin charging penalties and interest on any returns or amounts that they have not received. This can cause unnecessary costs and headaches to new and small businesses.

Filing Frequency

There are three levels of filing frequency depending on the amount of your taxable sales.
Annual Taxable Sales Filing Frequency
$1,500,000 or less Annual (quarterly or monthly are optional)
$1,500,001 – $6,000,000 Quarterly (monthly is optional)
Over $6,000,000 Monthly

Type and Place of Supply

In order to know which GST/HST rate to apply, you have to determine what type of goods or services you’re selling, and the place they are supplied.

Some items, such as groceries and agricultural or fishery supplies, are zero rated and no GST/HST is charged in Canada. Other items are exempt, including long-term residential rentals and most health, medical, dental, child care, and educational services. For exempt services, it may be possible to claim input tax credits for any GST/HST paid. Additionally, certain organizations, such as charities or municipalities, may be exempt from charging GST/HST. Most other goods or services are taxable.

For detailed information on GST/HST classification of various goods and services, visit the Government of Canada.

GST/HST Filing Rates for Taxable Supplies

Once the type of goods and services and the place of supply are defined, the applicable GST/HST rates can be determined.

Place of SupplyRateType
British Columbia Note 112%GST + PST
Manitoba Note 113%GST + PST
New Brunswick10%HST
Newfoundland and Labrador10%HST
Nova Scotia10%HST
Prince Edward Island10%HST
Quebec Note 214.975%GST + QST
Saskatchewan Note 311%GST + PST

1. You are required to register with these provinces, collect the PST, and file PST returns.
2. If you are a non-resident of Quebec and have no physical presence or employees there, you are exempt from registering for, and filing, QST.
3. The requirement to register and remit PST is optional in Saskatchewan but, if you choose not to register, the customer is required to pay the PST.

How it Works

Process of online income tax return filing with Taxreturnfilers eAdvisor

Register Now

Answer a few basic questions

Make fee payment

Connect with your Tax Advisor

Return filed by our Advisor

Let me show you how it works

Enter Details & Make Payment

Leave all the hard work to us, We will analyse your

Hurray! Your Taxes are Planned & Return is Filed!!!


Popular Question

Below you'll find answers to the questions we get asked the most about Tax Return Filing.

You should select Income from Business/Profession as your source of income with form T2125 while filing your taxes through the Tax Return Filers website