
Our Pricing

Income Tax Return Filing Pricing Plans

Select The Product That's Right For You


Simple Personal Tax Return

$50/ Return

Tax Return

With rental and T5, T3 Investment Income

$250/ Return

Self employed

$300/ Return

Corporate Tax Return

We value and appreciate entrepreneur who do their own bookkeeping, we assist you to file corporate tax return for

$700/ Return

Non-Resident Tax Return

It is a complex matter but we start with a simple tax return

$250 / Person


Should you require assistance with bookkeeping we charge

$50/ Hour


Popular Question

Below you'll find answers to the questions we get asked the most about Tax Return Filing Plans.

If you have Salary Income, One House Property, Interest from Fixed Deposits or Saving Accounts. In addition to this, in the cases, when our team is not available instantly, you can avail self-filing plan and upgrade to our paid plan later (we adjust the amount paid in self-filing in our paid plans) In the above conditions, you can obtain our self-filing plan.